The conference accepts papers representing the latest achievements in the theory and practice of data mining. The papers should demonstrate the theoretical achievements in addressing the fundamental problems of data mining and pay attention to the possible applications of these achievements. Papers demonstrating the solution of practical problems should use modern theoretical methods, motivated by real needs of the modern world. Innovative solutions of the industry and business problems require particular attention.
The book of abstracts will be published before the conference. The program committee will accept abstracts for publication based on peer-review and fulfillment of the following conditions:
- live presentation by an author of the report;
- payment of the registration fee;
- provision of a package of required documents in the original.
To increase audience coverage, conference sessions will be broadcast via video link. Submission of reports via video link is not encouraged, and will be allowed only in exceptional cases and with full payment of the registration fee.
An extended version of selected reports will be recommended for publication in journals published by FRC SCS RAS: “Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis”, “Informatics and Applications”, “Systems and Means of Informatics”, “Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics”.
Authors should submit abstracts, prepared in accordance with the instructions, to info -(at)-mmro-(dot)-ru until August 4, 2024 (until August 18 with the express processing surcharge). The volume of abstracts without the heading (title and list of authors) and the bibliography is up to one page; the total length of abstracts is up to two pages.
In addition to the abstract, the application letter must contain a short questionnaire:
- name and status of the speaker: student, graduate student or other;
- list of conference visitors for making invitations and name badges and their expected visit dates;
- intention to participate in the selection for publication of extended articles (yes/no).
The e-mail used to submit the application will be used for all further communications with the authors of the report, including notifications of extended publications.