IDP-2024: Registration

Dear participants, the registration procedure for the IOI-2024 conference is described below. It has changed significantly compared to previous years, so please read it carefully. The registration procedure consists of several stages:

1. Application

Applications for participation in the conference should be sent by e-mail to info -(at)-mail-(dot)-ru. The letter should contain the abstract of the report, formatted in accordance with the rules (pdf and a full set of source files), as well as a short questionnaire:

  • name and status of the speaker: student, graduate student or other;
  • list of conference visitors for making invitations and name badges and their expected visit dates;
  • intention to participate in the selection for publication of extended articles (yes/no).

Result: the application is registered, the organizing committee announces the amount of the basic registration fee.

2. Manuscript

The organizing committee reviews and edits the submitted materials. Authors are given the opportunity to respond to comments and make corrections to the manuscripts.

Result: The organizing committee announces acceptance or rejection of the report.

3. Required Documets

Authors of accepted papers must provide a set of supporting documents for their paper. The sets differ depending on the authors’ nationality and some other circumstances:

  • expert opinion on the possibility of open publication — provided if the authors include employees of Russian or Belarusian organizations (examplele for the Russian Federation, example for the Republic of Belarus);
  • permission to export materials abroad — provided if the authors include employees of Russian organizations (example);
  • license agreement on the transfer of non-exclusive rights to the manuscript — provided in any case if the abstracts are published in the book (in rare cases, mainly related to lateness, reports are allowed without inclusion in the book, the amount of the registration fee remains unchanged).

The agreement is made separately with each author. To simplify this procedure, the texts of the agreements with the full text of the manuscript included (example) will be prepared by the organizing committee.

In response to the notification of acceptance of the report, authors must provide information about all co-authors:

  • full and short name in Cyrillic and additionally full name in native language;
  • citizenship;
  • passport details: series and number, by whom and when issued and additionally passport photo;
  • postal address;
  • phone number;
  • email address;
  • gender (if not clear from the name).

Based on this data and the full text of the abstracts, the organizing committee will form the texts of the agreements and send them by reply letter. The received agreements must be printed and signed on each page in the designated place: either at the bottom of the page or in a special section with the signatures of the parties.

Scans of all permits must be sent to the organizing committee for verification. After approval, they must be sent to the address of the organizing committee (119333, Russian Federation, Moscow, 44 Vavilova Str., bldg. 2, FRC CSC RAS, Borisova T.I.) by registered mail and provide the organizing committee with a tracking number. In case of difficulties with sending the letter to Russia, it is necessary to contact the organizing committee about it.

ATTENTION! Scans must be scans. If the text in the sent file can be selected, and the signatures are inserted as pictures, the document will be rejected.

ATTENTION! Documents must be sent to the address of the organizing committee, and not to the address of Intellectual Ring LLC.

4. Payment

If participants arrange their accommodation independently, including in the dormitories of Grodno State University, and they do not need individual contracts, the registration fee can be paid using the following details:

ООО «Интеллектуальное кольцо»

ИНН/КПП 5047149206/504701001
Р/с 40702810200020002847
К/с 30101810000000000201
Код БИК 044525201

Purpose of payment:

За участие в конференции ИОИ-2024. Без НДС.

The amount must equal the basic registration fee from stage 1.

If participants have problems with payment using the details of a Russian bank, they must inform the organizing committee and agree on payment through Belarusian co-organizers or in another way.

If participants need a personal contract, or need to include accommodation in the registration fee, it is necessary to agree on this in advance with the partners of the organizing committee at
la-idp24 -(at)-intring-(dot)-ru.

The result of stages 3 and 4 is the admission of the paper to the conference and the completion of registration.

5. Registration of Particpants

Speakers and their co-authors (according to the questionnaires from stage 1) can register to participate in the conference and receive badges and other materials, including copies of agreements, throughout its duration.

Participation in the conference without a report must be agreed with the organizing committee.

6. Extended Articles

Following the MMRO-2023 conference, 45 invitations to publish extended articles were sent to authors. 28 author groups accepted the invitation. Due to the tight deadlines, almost no additional invitations were sent out, despite the presence of worthy reports.

This year, only papers whose authors clearly and in advance indicate their intention to participate in the application will be included in the selection.

IDP-2024: venue and payment

I. Venue and travel

The conference is held in the main building of Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, 22 Ozheshko Str., Grodno.

Traveling to Grodno from Minsk is possible by bus (travel time about 3 hours 40 minutes) and by train (travel time 4–7 hours depending on the train). Direct flights to Minsk are carried out from the following cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Tashkent, Baku, Beijing, Dubai, Istanbul.

There is also a direct train from Moscow to Grodno (travel time 13 hours 44 minutes).

II. Registration fees and accommodation

Registration fees for the IDP-2024 conference are accepted through the mediation of Intellectual Ring LLC. Conference participants are offered two options: pay the registration fee and deal with accommodation issues themselves, or include accommodation in the registration fee.

1) Payment without accomodation

The conference participant must register with the organizing committee (info -(at)-mmro-(dot)-ru) and confirm the status of the speaker. After registration is completed, the organizing committee will determine the amount of the registration fee according to the tariffs (tariffs are non-refundable) and will inform the participant about it. With this information, you must agree on payment details at la-idp24 -(at)-intring-(dot)-ru and pay the registration fee in full to participate in the conference.

2) Payment with accomodation

The conference participant must register with the organizing committee (info -(at)-mmro-(dot)-ru) and confirm the status of the speaker. After registration is completed, the organizing committee will determine the amount of the registration fee according to the tariffs and notify them to the participant.

After this, the participant must choose the dates and accommodation option and agree on the final amount of the registration fee, including the participation fee and the cost of accommodation at la-idp24 -(at)-intring-(dot)-ru, and pay the registration fee in full for participation in the conference. Tarrifs are non-refundable.

LLC “Intellectual Ring” offers two accommodation options. Please note that prices (in Russian rubles) are subject to change. Currently they are:

  • hotel “Onega” (40 Vasilka Str.) — from 2250 ₽/day, without meals;
  • hotel “Neman” (8 Stefan Batory Str.) — from 5850 ₽/day, breakfast included.

3) Special offer for undergraduate and graduate students

Yanka Kupala Grodno State University offers undergraduate and graduate students participating in the conference accommodation in its dormitories. The cost of accommodation is from 750 ₽/day, without meals.

In order to get this offer, you must pay the registration fee without accommodation (see option 1) and after payment contact the organizing committee (info -(at)-mmro-(dot)-ru) to agree on dates and method of payment.

15th International Conference «Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications» IDP-2024

Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno are pleased to announce the 15th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications (IDP-2024). The conference will be held from 23 to 27 September 2024 at YKSUG venue in Grodno, Belarus. Languages for the meeting are Russian, Belorussian and English.

The conference has been held regularly since 1989. It is one of the most recognizable scientific forums on data mining, machine learning, pattern recognition, image analysis, signal processing, and discrete analysis.

The conference is held with the organizational support of the Department of Mathematical Sciences of RAS, National Committee of RAS for Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis and Intellectual Ring Ltd.

Key Topics

  • Data Mining,
  • Machine Learning,
  • Big Data Analytics,
  • Deep Learning,
  • Computer Vision,
  • Data Mining Optimization Techniques,
  • Algorithmic Complexity and Approximate Methods,
  • Image Processing, Computer Vision,
  • Signal processing,
  • Information Retrieval and Text Analysis,
  • Industrial Data Science Applications,
  • Analysis of Biomedical Data, Bioinformatics,
  • Methods of Mathematical Modeling in Data Mining,
  • Data Mining in Information Security.

The program committee based on requests of potential participants can expand the topic of the conference.

The conference accepts papers representing the latest achievements in the theory and practice of data mining. The papers should demonstrate the theoretical achievements in addressing the fundamental problems of data mining and pay attention to the possible applications of these achievements. Papers demonstrating the solution of practical problems should use modern theoretical methods, motivated by real needs of the modern world. Innovative solutions of the industry and business problems require particular attention.

The book of abstracts will be published before the conference. The program committee will accept abstracts for publication based on peer-review and fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • live presentation by an author of the report;
  • payment of the registration fee;
  • provision of a package of required documents in the original.

To increase audience coverage, conference sessions will be broadcast via video link. Submission of reports via video link is not encouraged, and will be allowed only in exceptional cases and with full payment of the registration fee.

An extended version of selected reports will be recommended for publication in journals published by FRC SCS RAS: “Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis”, “Informatics and Applications”, “Systems and Means of Informatics”, “Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics”.

Important Dates

August 04submission deadline
August 18submission deadline with the express processing surcharge,
deadline of acceptance of the required documents (scans and track number)
September 2324conference work
September 25excursion
September 2627conference work

Organizing Committee


  • Matveev Ivan, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), FRC CSC RAS


  • Grin Alexander, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), YKSUG
  • Dokukin Alexander, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS

Committee members:

  • Egorova Evgeniya, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Inyakin Andrei, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Kadan Alexander, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), YKSUG
  • Karkanitsa Anna, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), YKSUG
  • Pranevich Andrei, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), YKSUG
  • Reyer Ivan, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Borisova Tatiana, FRC CSC RAS
  • Gromov Andrei, FRC CSC RAS
  • Djukova Anastasija, FRC CSC RAS

Program Committee


  • Academician of RAS Sokolov Igor, FRC CSC RAS


  • Professor of RAS Vorontsov Konstantin, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), MSU
  • Senko Oleg, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS

Committee members:

  • Semenov Aleksei, academician of RAS, FRC CSC RAS
  • Soifer Viktor, academician of RAS, Samara University
  • Shananin Aleksandr, academician of RAS, FRC CSC RAS
  • Petrov Igor, corresponding member of RAS, MIPT
  • Khachai Mikhail, corresponding member of RAS, UrFU
  • Gimadi Eduard, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), IM SB RAS
  • Gornov Aleksandr, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), ISDCT SB RAS
  • Gromova Olga, Dr. Sc. (Med.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Dvoenko Sergei, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), TulSU
  • Djukova Elena, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Krasnoproshin Viktor, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), BSU, the Republic of Belarus
  • Lazarev Aleksandr, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), ICS RAS
  • Mesteckij Leonid, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), MSU
  • Pytev Yurij, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), MSU
  • Strizhov Vadim, Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), MIPT
  • Chulichkov Aleksej, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), MSU
  • Vatolin Dmitrij, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), MSU
  • Gneushev Aleksandr, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), FRC CSC RAS
  • Kopylov Andrej, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), TulSU
  • Seredin Oleg, Cand. Sc. (Phys.-Math.), TulSU

Rules for Abstract Submission

Authors should submit abstracts, prepared in accordance with the instructions, to info -(at)-mmro-(dot)-ru until August 4, 2024 (until August 18 with the express processing surcharge). The volume of abstracts without the heading (title and list of authors) and the bibliography is up to one page; the total length of abstracts is up to two pages.

In addition to the abstract, the application letter must contain a short questionnaire:

  • name and status of the speaker: student, graduate student or other;
  • list of conference visitors for making invitations and name badges and their expected visit dates;
  • intention to participate in the selection for publication of extended articles (yes/no).

The e-mail used to submit the application will be used for all further communications with the authors of the report, including notifications of extended publications.

Registration Fee

The amount of the registration fee (in Russian rubles) for participation in the conference depends on the category of the speaker and the time of application:

  • students and graduate students – 3000 rubles;
  • the rest – 5000 rub.

The same categories, but with an additional payment for express processing of abstracts (application submission August 5–18 inclusive):

  • students and graduate students – 5000 rubles;
  • the rest – 7000 rub.

The specified registration fee only includes participation in the conference without accommodation. The procedure for paying registration fees and options and costs of accommodation will be communicated additionally.

Those wishing to participate in the conference without a report must agree with the organizing committee of the conference.

The Required Documents

Accompanying documents for the publication of abstracts must include an agreement on the transfer of rights to publication, signed by the authors. The agreement template will be published on the conference website.

Participants from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus should provide additional documents. For a complete list, please refer to the information letter in Russian.

Documents are accepted by registered mail to the 119333, Russian Federation, Moscow, 44k2 Vavilova St., FRC SCS RAS, Borisova T.I. The track number of the letter must be communicated to the organizing committee by email along with scanned copies of documents before August 18 inclusive. Otherwise, the organizing committee reserves the right to exclude the abstracts of the report from the book.

First information letter.

12th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications

Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology are pleased to announce the 12th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications (IDP-2018). The conference will be held from 8 to 12 October 2018 in Italy, Gaeta. Languages for the meeting are English and Russian.

IDP-2018 (Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications) conference is a premier forum that brings together the data science researchers and professionals to discuss, distribute and advance the state of research and development of the data analysis field. The conference offers research and industry tracks in the areas of machine learning, data science, big data analysis, deep learning and computer vision. The IDP-2018 conference facilitates the exchange of insights and innovations between the industry and the academia, each represented by leaders in their respective fields. The event has its roots in the Russian school of mathematics and machine learning. It serves as an enriching interaction point between researchers and business from Russia and the world.

The conference is organized and supported by the Russian foundation for basic research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Forecsys, Center of Forecasting Systems and Recognition.

Key topics

  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Text Mining
  • Social Networks Analysis
  • Education And Data Science
  • Data Science Applications

The conference accepts papers representing the latest achievements in the theory and practice of data mining. It is expected that the papers demonstrate the theoretical achievements in addressing the fundamental problems of data mining and also pay attention to the possible applications of these achievements. Papers demonstrating the solution of practical problems should use modern theoretical methods, motivated by real needs of the modern world. Particular attention should be given to the innovative solutions of the industry and business problems.

Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference proceedings published prior to the conference. Full papers for the accepted abstracts will be published in the Machine Learning and Data Analysis journal and hence will be citable and searchable by the Russian science citation index. The programming committee selects papers in English for publication in the Springer series Communications in Computer and Information Science indexed by Scopus (to be confirmed). All submitted abstracts and papers are passed on to peer review.

11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications


Federal Research Center «Computer Science and Control» of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Harbour.Space University Barcelona are pleased to announce the 11th International Conference on Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications (IDP-2016). The conference will be held from 10 to 14 October 2016 in Barcelona, Spain. Languages for the meeting are English and Russian.

IDP-2016 (Intelligent Data Processing: Theory and Applications) conference is a premier forum that brings together the data science researchers and professionals to discuss, distribute and advance the state of research and development of the data analysis field. The conference offers research and industry tracks in the areas of machine learning, data science, big data analysis, deep learning and computer vision. The IDP-2016 conference facilitates the exchange of insights and innovations between the industry and the academia, each represented by leaders in their respective fields. The event has its roots in the Russian school of mathematics and machine learning with the help of Harbour.Space University. It serves as an enriching interaction point between researchers and business from Russia and the world.

The conference is organized and supported by the Russian foundation for basic research, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Forecsys, Center of Forecasting Systems and Recognition and Harbour.Space University Barcelona.

Key topics

  • Data Mining
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Deep Learning
  • Computer Vision
  • Text Mining
  • Social Networks Analysis
  • Education And Data Science
  • Data Science Applications

The conference accepts papers representing the latest achievements in the theory and practice of data mining. It is expected that the papers demonstrate the theoretical achievements in addressing the fundamental problems of data mining and also pay attention to the possible applications of these achievements. Papers demonstrating the solution of practical problems should use modern theoretical methods, motivated by real needs of the modern world. Particular attention should be given to the innovative solutions of the industry and business problems.

Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference proceedings published prior to the conference. Full papers for the accepted abstracts will be published in the Machine Learning and Data Analysis journal and hence will be citable and searchable by the Russian science citation index. The programming committee selects papers in English for publication in the Springer series Communications in Computer and Information Science indexed by Scopus (to be confirmed). All submitted abstracts and papers are passed on to peer review.

Harbour.Space is an innovative private university offering distinct progressive university programs for students, professionals and executives. Programs including Data Science, Computer Science, Cyber Security, High-tech Entrepreneurship, Digital Marketing are taught by the today’s leading experts in industry and academia from around the world.